


时  间:2015年6月,共2场
主 讲 人:张隆志(中央研究院台湾史研究所副研究员)、康豹(Paul R. Katz,中央研究院近代史研究所研究员)
地  点:英国牛津大学、德国莱比锡大学
联 络 人:廖箴,Tel: (02)2361-9132#352;ccsgrant@ncl.edu.tw


讲题:Digitalizing Taiwan: From Academic to Public History(数字典藏与台湾研究:从学院史学到公共历史)
地点:University of Oxford China Centre, Dickson Poon Building, Canterbury Rd, Oxford, OX2 6LU




The Study of Taiwan History has become a flourishing academic field in post-Martial Law Taiwan. And the efforts of digitalization provide important impetus and new perspective in the development of Taiwan studies. This lecture will address the following two issues: one is the major achievements and challenges of contemporary Taiwanese historiography. I’ll discuss the multiple intellectual lineages of Taiwan history, namely Chinese local history, Japanese colonial history, Western area study, and native Taiwan study. It is the convergence and interaction of these different research traditions since the late 1980s that constituted the new foundation of Taiwan historical study. I’ll illustrate the representative developments in source collection, research agenda, institutionalization and internationalization of this young and vibrant discipline. In terms of the impact of digitalization projects, I’ll introduce five major research and archival institutions in Taiwan: namely Academia Sinica (Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan), Academia Historica(Guoshi Guan), National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Library, and National Museum of Taiwan History. The collective efforts in the preservation, research, and promotion of Taiwan historical resources not only improve the width and depth of academic research but contribute to the shaping of new public memory and cultural heritage in Taiwan. The lecture will conclude with some personal observation and reflection on the future challenges of Taiwan history from the perspective of a practicing historian.


主讲人:康豹(Paul R. Katz,中央研究院近代史研究所研究员)
讲题:An Unbreakable Thread? Preliminary Observations on Cross-Strait Religious Interaction during the Modern Era(切不断的绳索?──近代两岸宗教互动初探)
地点:Bibliotheca Albertina, Vortragssaal ,Beethovenstr. 6, 04107 Leipzig, Germany




This paper examines the synergy between religious traditions in China and Taiwan during the Japanese colonial and Postwar eras. In contrast to much conventional wisdom about Japanese rule, which assumes that religious ties between China and Taiwan were severely disrupted, I attempt to show that extensive contacts took place between specialists and worshippers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. for the Postwar era, I explore the complex factors that have shaped Cross-Strait religious interaction since the late 1980s, especially in terms of pilgrimages and Buddhist organizations. Based on a broad-based approach designed to stimulate new research (as opposed to the in-depth investigation of a single case study), this paper covers a wide range of religious phenomena. Apart from the ways in which Cross-Strait links shaped the development of organized religious movements such as Buddhism and Daoism, I also consider their impact on communal religious traditions as seen in pilgrimage networks for popular deities like Mazu 妈祖, the Great Emperor who Protects Life (Baosheng dadi 保生大帝), and the Royal Lords (wangye 王爷). Another key topic involves the interaction between Chinese and Taiwanese sectarian traditions, both in terms of religious leaders and scriptures such as morality books (shanshu 善书). Taiwan’s place in the transnational religious networks encompassing both sides of the Taiwan Strait, including those involving philanthropy, education, and mass media, will also be considered.


今(2015)年首波「台湾汉学讲座」将于六月与英国牛津大学和德国莱比锡大学合作举办。第一场邀请中央研究院台湾史研究所张隆志副研究员担任主讲人,于6月17日在牛津大学主讲「Digitalizing Taiwan: From Academic to Public History(数字典藏与台湾研究:从学院史学到公共历史」。

第二场邀请中央研究院近代史研究所康豹研究员主讲,于6月22日在德国莱比锡大学主讲 「An Unbreakable Thread? Preliminary Observations on Cross-Strait Religious Interaction during the Modern Era(切不断的绳索?──近代两岸宗教互动初探)」。



时  间:2015年7月,共2场
主 讲 人:黄一农(中央研究院院士、国立清华大学历史研究所特聘讲座教授暨人社中心主任)
地  点:马来西亚马来亚大学、马来西亚拉曼大学金宝校区
联 络 人:廖箴,Tel: 02-2361-9132#352;E-mail: ccsgrant@ncl.edu.tw


内容简介:讲者自2010年起从事了一场奇特的学术探险,他以初学者的身分进入传统深厚的红学领域,并努力「穿越」至清朝,希望能探究他所揭举的「e考据」,可否在大数据 (Big Data) 时代建立文史研究的新典范。本演讲将首度揭开《红楼梦》中「元妃省亲」的历史原型,指出其主要素材乃源自康熙朝最受宠的汉人嫔妃――密妃王氏,并阐述此故事与纳兰六姊妹(著名词人纳兰容若之侄孙女)的关系,同时追索作者曹雪芹获知有些颇为隐讳之史事的可能渠道,而他又如何在小说中为宫墙之后的女性大声鸣不平。

地点:马来西亚拉曼大学(金宝校区) A003讲堂
内容简介:Big Data时代的来临正冲击许多领域,本演讲将以文史研究为例,透过具体的案例,与大家分享e时代的工具、发问的模式以及寻找答案的方法,如何提供我们突破的可能性。并以傅恒之子福康安(连续剧「还珠格格」主角尔康的原型)是否为乾隆帝私生子此八卦议题为例,尝试揭开此一世纪之谜,以突显e-时代所可能产生的巨大冲击与挑战(即使对文科亦然),并与大家分享乾隆皇帝与孝贤皇后间最深切的爱情故事。





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